4. Reduce stress or practice stress-management techniques. 5. Protect yourself from sexually transmitted viruses by using latex condoms when appropriate. There is an increased incidence of cancer in patients with homosexual practices and an increased incidence of cervical and penile cancers in women and men who have multiple sex partners. 6. Follow the recommended guidelines for cancer screening . Environment 1. Avoid excessive unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet radiation (UVA and UVB). UVB (sunburning rays) and UVA, which penetrates deeper into the skin, may lead to premature aging of the skin, wrinkling, sunburn, permanent skin damage and skin cancer. Avoid midday outdoor activities, wear protective clothing and hats and use sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or more to reduce sunlight's damage to your skin. The higher the SPF number, the longer you will be protected, but all sunscreen should be reapplied periodically, especially after swimming or perspiring heavily. Several broad-spectrum sunscreens that absorb both UVB and UVA are now available. Lighter-complexioned, blue-eyed, red-headed, blond or freckled people will need to be especially vigilant because they lack built-in sun protection from melanin pigment in the skin. 2. People in areas with high levels of radon can decrease the risk of lung cancer by providing adequate ventilation in homes and other buildings. Radon is an odorless radioactive gas that is emitted naturally from the ground